Pentagon Blinds
Pentagon Blind Features
- Industry Exclusive Operation. Pentagon blinds raise and lower fully on a pentagon window.
- Any Size. Any Shape. Pentagon blinds are available for virtually and size or any shape of pentagon window.
- Fully Operable. Pentagon blinds will provide full operation, with the blind raising completely the top of the pentagon window.
- Virtually no restrictions on size or shape of a pentagon blind for an pentagon window.
- Motorized Pentagon Blind Operation: Battery operated with remote control is the standard motorization option for pentagon blinds. Plug-In Transformer and AC available.
- Manual Pentagon Blind Operation: Pentagon blinds raise and lower with a draw cord and cord cleat.
Material Options, Styles & Colors
Most pentagon blinds from BCC Specialty Shape Blinds are fabricated from honeycomb and cellular materials. These materials offer an extensive range of styles and color options and are available in light blocking options from translucent to semi-opaque to blackout (or light dimming).
Fully Operable Pentagon Blinds
Pentagon blinds and shades will raise and lower fully on the entire pentagon opening. The pentagon blind or shade will cover the entirety of the window when in use, and will compress to the base of the pentagon window when desired for full window visibility.
Motorized Pentagon Blinds & Shades
- Battery powered with remote control is standard for motorized pentagon blinds and shades.
- Smart phone apps are available for iPhone and all other smart phones with pentagon blind motorization.
- Low voltage with plug in transformer and AC options available for all motorized pentagon blinds.
- Home automation controls for motorized pentagon blinds are available for all home automation systems.

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